Sunday, 7 July 2013

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Je Suis "Ironwoman"


Anyhoo today was tres difficile, but before I get into that, I just want to thanks and give a shout out to the St-Jean family (Tianna's host family) for letting me spend the night last night and for dinner. It was great and I thank you guys from the bottom of my heart! :)

Arbraska was something else, really. It's not like any high ropes course I have done in my life.. this one was "physically taxing" (quoting Damon here...) in all aspects, and the fact that you had to hook and unhook your clasps to make sure that you didn't plunge to your death was another matter entirely. All in all I'm not sure whether or not I was happy or sad to do it, but I do know that I tried my best and I accomplished things that I didn't know that I could.

Here are some pictures of the courses that Helen, Fiona and I did - started from easy (facile) and then worked our way up to intermediate and extreme. It was also the first time I went ziplining and that was a very interesting experience...unfortunately I couldn't get any shots from the trees because I didn't want to juggle both my camera and my life while 10 feet plus in the air...

Ready, set, climb! (L-R Fiona, me, Helen)

le cours facile!

choosing your courses...

where do you want to go?

would you like to start at the beginning?...

...or dive right into the extreme?

LOL that's not high at all...
We had a lot of fun with both people from Langley and people from all over Ontario that we met along the way. It was an interesting experience, and while difficult and sometimes painful it was definitely worth doing.
In our down time after all the climbing, here is what the hooligans did...
Jumping in the forest...

having somewhat normal group photos..

and not so normal group photos :)
Today I also went to dinner with my host dad Simon, who took me to this little pizza place where we had pizza (obviously!). He also took me around to see the different churches as well as the school that his kids go to, College Esther-Blondin which is a MASSIVE school and state of the art.. I wonder what it would be like to go there? I couldn't get a photo because it was so big... they have a arts wing with theatres in it as well as a sports wing with a couple gyms, work out rooms and a pool. C'est tres incroyable! (It's very incredible!)
my dinner, pizza-caesar

The church at St. Jacques
Well, it's back to work tomorrow. I can't believe how quickly this week flew by! My song for you today is a French song that I heard on the radio by Marie-Mai, "Je Cours" :

C'est la fin de le weekend... bon semaine, tout le monde! (It's the end of the weekend.. have a good week, everyone!)



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