The two flights were very smooth, although our landing in Toronto was a little on the turbulent side. I had a Tim Horton's filled day and it was nice to see Timmy's in Quebec also, but everything on the menu was obviously in French.
I met my host family, the Cormiers, and they are very nice people. I am looking forward to spending the next 6 weeks with them. The parents are Simon and Karen, and they have 4 sons (from oldest to youngest): Mathieu, Felix, Remy and Remy (I am not kidding there!) They are all very nice and they have been very accommodating with my lack of French. I spent the first night talking in all English, admittedly, but at least we were able to do proper introductions and I was able to ask my questions.
My first full day in Quebec started off with authentic homemade crepes and a first time mass in French. It was very interesting, because first off, it was only half an hour long. I am usually used to the 55 minute-one hour, possibly one hour and 15 minutes services, but half an hour? C'est tres bizarre! It was very interactive, in a sense that the homily had the priest moving around from pew to pew, asking people questions "game show" style, and people answering back. The church, Sacre-Coeur de Jesus was very beautiful on the inside and the outside, but surprisingly not full for its only service on the weekend.
I was able to go to the shopping mall to get my sleeping bag for my camping trip to come as well as the train ride back home. We then had a lunch with all the Surrey/Terrebonne East kids and the host families at one family's home. It is interesting to note that most houses in Quebec have very spacious backyards and gigantic swimming pools. I did not go for a swim because it was quite chilly and I am still a little on the sick side >.<" But one day, I will take advantage of the pool that is sitting in the backyard of my host family's home!!
I also found that people in Quebec have their meals quite late (case in point, I had my dinner at 9 PM Quebec local time). No matter though, because the food is still good!
Here are some pictures from our lunch:
The pool in the backyard... >> 
Ma nouvelle amie, Valerie! >> 
CRAZY! (L-R) Tianna, Patrick, Helen, Fiona, Spencer, moi!, Valerie
Well, c'est tout for now! I have to get up bright and early tomorrow for my first day of work. I am excited but also a bit nervous for my French, but this is my opportunity to improve, right? My nickname for the camp (apparently we all need one) is "Dragon" because I am Chinese and probably the only one there that is Chinese. I'll let you know soon...
Today in the car I heard a favourite song of mine that was sung in English and French together, so I'm going to leave that with you tonight. It is called "Summer Paradise" by fellow Quebec rockers Simple Plan, whom I'm very sure you've heard of.
Bonne nuit,
Sounds fun Rachel! AND THAT'S A HUGE POOL!!!! (:
ReplyDeletehave fun