Monday, 26 August 2013

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Bonus videos!

Hey everyone! I hope that you all have been enjoying your summers so far and that you have settled back into normal every day life... I don't know about everyone else, but it still feels like I'm going to be going back to Quebec really soon, or as if I haven't left yet. This summer passed by so quickly and I am so grateful for all the people I got to spend it with as well as thankful for all the wonderful...

Monday, 19 August 2013

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Train Videos!

Here are two "vlogs" that I had made on the train... I would have made more but unfortunately I ran out of battery :( This is en route, somewhere in the middle of Ontario with special guest star Patrick Benoit... And this is a recap of our last full day on the train during our little "party"... by the way, we really did have a Pitch Perfect-esque sing off that lasted a half hour. I wish...
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Train Ride Across Canada

What a rush! I hope that everyone enjoyed the past couple days, I know I did! The past couple days were spent on a train with other YMCA youth from across the country as we took the train from Montreal back into Vancouver with stops made in Toronto, Winnepeg, Saskatoon, Edmonton, Jasper, Kamloops and...

Saturday, 10 August 2013

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Waking up this morning was quite a challenge, but it was a different challenge from all the other days that I had to get up early for work: this time, I had to come to terms with the fact that I was going to leave this place that I called home and go back to my real home (after 4 long days on the train!)....

Friday, 9 August 2013

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Le Dernier Journee

Je suis tres triste, parce que demain, je pars pour Vancouver. I am sad because I am leaving Quebec, my home away from home for the past six weeks. I miss home just as much as I want to stay here, so inside of me all day was a gigantic tug of war between the two places. It was a bunch of lasts of sorts...

Thursday, 8 August 2013

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Dance the Night Away!

It is with mixed emotions that I write these last few posts while actually in Quebec - part of me really wants to stay longer, get to know all the people that I spent the summer with a lot better, take more pictures, do more activities... but I also know that all good things must come to an end, and...

Sunday, 4 August 2013

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St. Joseph's Oratory

How's everyone's weekend going so far? For me, my weekend ends tonight but not without an amazing and serene trip to a very holy place in Montreal! Our first stop was a lunch stop at this cute diner called Paulo and Suzanne's. Simon introduced this place to me as "a place with real poutine"... and...

Saturday, 3 August 2013

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One Week Left?!

Bonne weekend de famille!  Happy Family Day weekend! It's Saturday morning and exactly 5 weeks ago I was getting ready to leave for Quebec... but let me explain more in this vlog: I hope that everyone enjoys their weekend, and for those of you who actually have a long weekend... seize it and have fun :) This was a song that was introduced to me first by Spencer in my group, and I finally...

Friday, 2 August 2013

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A Special Video Presentation

So I thought that you all would want to see this... and just so that everyone is on the same page, the band is now the "Bad Joes" and not "Mariachis Trench" anymore. :) A special vlog done by a very special person, Prabhjit. Enjoy ! bonne weekend de famille! I hope everyone enjoys their weekend ! Rac...

Wednesday, 31 July 2013

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"This Marshmellow's On Fire...."

Hey everyone! This post will be a combination of Tuesday night's soiree feu (bonfire) and today's camp du jour outing. Let's get to it! :) Tuesday night was amazing, and unfortunately it will be the last time that the seven of us as a Surrey group will see each other, because as this weekend is Family...

Sunday, 28 July 2013

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La Ronde!

Saturday was a long, 12+ hour day BUT amazing and super fun, even for someone like me who isn't a big fan of huge rollercoasters! As part of the Six Flags franchise, La Ronde definitely did not disappoint. We got to see groups from all over the country and met many new people as well as met up...